Gucci Handbag
One way to know an authentic Gucci handbag from a replica Gucci handbag is to examine the handbag's workmanship. The quality of the Gucci bag is unmistakable. The lining in a replica Gucci handbag won't be nearly as impeccable. Replica Gucci handbags tend to miss out on some important but unnoticeable detail, such as the Gucci brand name signature.

Gucci Handbag
Each zipper of an authentic Gucci handbag will bear the initials of the designer. Some Gucci handbags have a serial number attached to them. A replica Gucci handbag won't have a serial number or a certificate of authenticity to attest to its legitimate origin.

Gucci Handbag
Durability is a given in any Gucci handbag. Buying a designer bag like Gucci is a sound investment for women. Beware of replica Gucci handbags, and of being duped into buying one.
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