Gucci Handbag Wholesale
It is not an easy task finding authentic Gucci handbag wholesale. There are lots of factories producing high quality replicas of these popular bags because of their high demand. Tread carefully when selecting a wholesale or drop shipping company to work with. Be realistic as well.

Gucci Handbag Wholesale
However, there are wholesalers out there selling Gucci handbag wholesale. Study the Gucci logo so you know what to look for. Authentic Gucci will not come to you wrapped in plastic. If you find any with plastic wrappings you can be certain they are fake.

Gucci Handbag Wholesale
Like with any designer handbag, quality is always a good indicator of authenticity. Gucci provides identification cards with each product. If your bag does not include one, or the card does not match that of the authentic bags, you have been dupped.
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